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Otayeva Dinora


In order to ensure the prosperity of the development of the Republic of Uzbekistan,cooperation with other states,friendly relations,its position and place in the world community,free living of citizens, the harmonization of nations in our multi-ethnic people, the Republic of Uzbekistan adopted on December 8, 1992. Conisticity consisted of 6 sections , 26 chapters , 128 articles. Conistitution is the Supreme legal document of the state. In addition to the fact that it is the basis of all laws, each of the laws that make it up will have its own power. In the referendum of the Republic of Uzbekistan held on April 30, 2023, by nationwide vote, the conisticity in this new edition was adopted. This new conisticity was created from 6 Sections , 27 chapters, and 155 articles. The current norm of conisticity was increased from 275 to 434. Our current conisticity has been updated to 65%. Conisticity determines the structure of the state, the system of governing bodies, their competence and the procedure for formation, the rights and freedoms of citizens, the electoral system and the judicial system. The Republic of Uzbekistan takes under its protection the conistitutionality and its laws. Each citizen is required to exercise his or her rights and freedoms in accordance with the procedure specified in the constituction. Constitution includes human rights and freedoms, and in accordance with this, citizens who have deviated from the framework of the law are subject to appropriate punishment according to the laws and regulations specified in the constituction. The new conisticity is a huge step towards building our country a fair society. Conisticity allows you to manage the life of the state and society in a new and modern way. All public bodies and organizations are managed through the new revision of the conisticity.

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How to Cite
Otayeva Dinora. (2024). THE CONSTITUTION IS OUR PRIDE. Proceedings of International Conference on Scientific Research in Natural and Social Sciences, 3(6), 306–308. Retrieved from


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