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Anvarjonova Zarifaxon Abrorjon qizi


Translating Uzbek vocabulary and idiomatic expressions into English presents significant challenges due to deep-rooted linguistic, cultural, and contextual differences between the two languages. The process involves navigating lexical gaps, where unique concepts and culturally specific loanwords lack direct English equivalents, and dealing with polysemy and homonymy that require careful contextual interpretation. Idiomatic expressions pose further difficulties, as they often encompass cultural nuances, proverbs, metaphors, and symbolic language that do not easily translate. Effective translation strategies include cultural adaptation, collaboration with native speakers, and balancing fidelity to the original text with readability in English. These strategies help preserve the richness and depth of Uzbek literature while making it accessible to an English-speaking audience.

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Anvarjonova Zarifaxon Abrorjon qizi. (2024). CHALLENGES IN TRANSLATING UZBEK VOCABULARY AND IDIOMATIC EXPRESSIONS. Proceedings of International Conference on Scientific Research in Natural and Social Sciences, 3(6), 285–289. Retrieved from


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