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Dildora Bakhriddinova Oktamovna


This study investigates the various ways that euphemisms are used in Uzbek healthcare discourse. It makes the case that euphemisms serve a dual purpose in navigating societal norms and cultural fears related to illness, in addition to lessening the blow of illness diagnoses. The relationship between language and cultural beliefs is revealed through the examination of several euphemism categories, such as disability, illness names, and illness states. The study draws attention to the historical background of disease names euphemisms, implying a connection to earlier beliefs about illness as supernatural. The findings of this study advance our knowledge of the cultural aspects of communication in Uzbek healthcare environments.

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How to Cite
Dildora Bakhriddinova Oktamovna. (2024). EUPHEMISMS FOR ILLNESS AND DISEASE IN UZBEK LANGUAGE. Proceedings of International Conference on Scientific Research in Natural and Social Sciences, 3(6), 215–218. Retrieved from


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