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Sobirova Omadkhon Kxasanboy qizi


This research dedicated to help readers to make teaching more effective, by attending to learning and the inner mental of learners, by than understanding how classroom activities and teacher decisions can create or limit children opportunities for learning English language. In this article the aim of teaching English language to kindergarten learners, the development of Uzbekistan education system were discussed, Uzbekistan education system include teaching English language to kindergarten learners from early years. They begin to poses some knowledge which is related to English language approximately from 3-4 year old. There are some options, models and methods of teaching English to young learners. I will be focusing on the work of research who have significantly contributed to this area of investigation.

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How to Cite
Sobirova Omadkhon Kxasanboy qizi. (2023). TEACHING ENGLISH TO KINDERGARTEN LEARNERS. Proceedings of International Conference on Educational Discoveries and Humanities, 3(1), 74–77. Retrieved from https://econferenceseries.com/index.php/icedh/article/view/3463


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