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Imamov Ulug'bek Ismailovich


World War II (1939-1945), as noted above, Bringing very diverse demographic consequences for Uzbekistan released. In particular, it is the national composition of the population of the Republic was also directly reflected in the characteristics. The child is of the age of seeing men were called to the front and many of them died in the war As a result, the birth rate among the native population decreased. War In the years, the process of family formation among the population has naturally decreased families were also left without men, and the natural increase of the population is the lowest fell to the level. Population migration during the war years had a great positive effect in terms of demographic growth. It is known that when the war started, the population of the military district was moved to the interior of the country - to the eastern regions of the country, including the Central Asian Republics and Kazakhstan. This article presents facts about the source studies of deportation policy in Central Asia.

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How to Cite
Imamov Ulug’bek Ismailovich. (2023). SOURCE STUDIES OF DEPORTATION POLICY IN CENTRAL ASIA. Proceedings of International Conference on Educational Discoveries and Humanities, 2(5), 91–96. Retrieved from


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