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N.А. Хudayberganov
S.I. Madrimova


This article discusses the biological properties of medicinal C. officinalis L. grown in the conditions of Khorezm region, the results of research on growth and development during the season. Based on the results obtained, it was proved that Khorezm region has the potential to expand the crop area due to the successful completion of all stages of ontogeny under the conditions of introduction for the medicinal plant calendula (C. officinalis L.), seed reproduction.

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How to Cite
N.А. Хudayberganov, & S.I. Madrimova. (2023). ATTITUDE OF CALENDULA OFFICINALIS L. TO ENVIRONMENTAL FACTORS AND INTRODUCTORY EVALUATION. Proceedings of International Conference on Educational Discoveries and Humanities, 2(3), 229–233. Retrieved from


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