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Kim V. V.
Rahmatova S. M.


The article describes the purpose of the work was to create local varieties of vegetable mungbeans with an erect stem, non-lodging, with non-cracking pods, large beans, highly productive suitable for mechanized harvesting. They would be well adapted to various soil and climatic conditions and successfully cultivated in all regions of the republic. New varieties would be suitable for sowing after harvesting cereals, vegetables and other crops, be heat-resistant and drought-resistant, and be cultivated on medium-saline soils.

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How to Cite
Kim V. V., & Rahmatova S. M. (2024). MUNG BEAN VIGNA RADIATA PROMISING CULTURE IN UZBEKISTAN. Proceedings of International Conference on Modern Science and Scientific Studies, 3(6), 295–298. Retrieved from


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Kim V.V. et al. Mungbean varieties Vigna radiata in Uzbekistan. International journal of conference series on education and social sciences. Vol 1. No. 2.2021.