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Sharopova Muazzam Sobirjonovna


In the contemporary world, the phrase "My Health, My Wealth" has evolved beyond a mere proverbial saying to a guiding principle for a fulfilling life. This article explores the intricate relationship between personal health and financial prosperity, emphasizing the importance of a holistic approach to well-being. Through literature analysis, we delve into existing research to understand the connections between lifestyle choices, preventive healthcare measures, and their impact on both physical and financial health. The methods section outlines practical steps individuals can take to enhance their overall well-being, while the results section highlights the potential benefits. The discussion section engages with the broader implications of this interconnectedness, and the conclusions and suggestions offer actionable insights for readers to optimize their health and wealth.

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How to Cite
Sharopova Muazzam Sobirjonovna. (2024). MY HEALTH MY WEALTH. Proceedings of International Conference on Modern Science and Scientific Studies, 3(1), 40–43. Retrieved from


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