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Maxmudaliev Samandar Sirojiddin o`g`li
Turdiyev Pahlavon Qaxramon o'g'li
Sidiqov Abrorxon Jamoldin oʻgli


This article delves into the multifaceted world of anabolic steroids, exploring their physiological effects, performance-enhancing capabilities, and potential risks. The study incorporates a thorough literature review to analyze existing research on anabolic steroids, providing insights into their mechanisms of action, usage patterns, and the implications for human health. The methods section details the various approaches employed in relevant studies, while the results section summarizes key findings. The discussion section critically assesses the implications of the results, and the conclusions and suggestions section offers insights for future research and practical considerations.

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How to Cite
Maxmudaliev Samandar Sirojiddin o`g`li, Turdiyev Pahlavon Qaxramon o’g’li, & Sidiqov Abrorxon Jamoldin oʻgli. (2023). ANABOLIC STEROIDS. Proceedings of International Conference on Modern Science and Scientific Studies, 2(12), 376–379. Retrieved from


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