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Najmiddinova Dilnoza G’ulomjonovna
Tojiboyev Muhammadjon Muhitdin o’g’li


Olim - muayyan fan sohasida tajribaga ega yoki tadqiqot olib boradigan shaxs. Olim nima ekanligini tushunish uchun fanga ta'rif berish muhimdir. Fan - bu kuzatishlar va tajribalar orqali dunyoni va uning qanday ishlashini o'rganish va tushunishga harakat qilish amaliyotidir. Qushlarni, sudraluvchilarni o'rganish yoki biologiya, hayotni o'rganish yoki antropologiya, odamlarni o'rganish kabi sohalar barcha fan sohalaridir.

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How to Cite
Najmiddinova Dilnoza G’ulomjonovna, & Tojiboyev Muhammadjon Muhitdin o’g’li. (2023). ILMIY-IJODIY FAOLIYATDA OLIMNING SHAXSIY FAZILATLARI. Proceedings of International Conference on Modern Science and Scientific Studies, 2(4), 467–471. Retrieved from


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